Sunday, October 16, 2011

RE: It's Over

Howdy folks. Today's post isn't the usual "hey look what I did today" post. Oh, I have been out exploring. A few weeks ago I took a hike near Lake Meade and went over to the Hoover Dam. I walk the old rail road route, going through the tunnels and got some great pictures. I might put some up eventually, but my internet connect here isn't the best, so it might be awhile.

I also went climbing out at Red Rock Canyon last week. It was beautiful out and once again, I got some great pictures. I know, it feels like I'm dangling a treat in front of you, and I will get the pics up as soon as I can.

While on my climb, I zoned out, climbed and climbed, then realized, "Oh crap, I have no idea how I got up here and can't seem to get down." It was embarrassing, but I had to call search and rescue and got picked up by a helicopter. It was pretty cool and while I don't have pictures of the chopper, I do have a few of my view. Some of them are blurry, but you can kind of see the park ranger's vehicles in the distance.

But anyway, the title of this post actually refers to a post I made awhile back. It was a post about running the Las Vegas marathon.

I've given this a lot of thought and something occurred to me. I've been doing things for pretty much my whole life that I didn't really want to do, just so I could get some kind of recognition.

Recognition is great, but shouldn't be from something special to me? I hate running. Why the hell would I even suggest that as an option? Because I thought "Oh look at me. Look how great I am. I'm going to run for charity or something. Blah blah blah."


**************END NOTE****************

Fuck. That. I am sick of doing things just to get some kind of attention from everyone else. If you don't like me for who I am, I understand. I didn't either. But I'm working on that.

If the only thing that makes you say "Wow, what great guy" is the various bullshit that I come up with to make myself look good, fuck you.

From now on, I'm going to do the things I want to do. If I want to "Fuck this job" I'm going to do it and I'm going to leave. If I want to say "Fuck you and your bullshit, media marketed American Dream" I'm going to say it (just did). If you think that I'm not a "complete person" just because I don't think it's right to waste my life doing the same dumb shit everyone else does, fuuuuuuck you!

I'm going to walk to my own beat from now on. I'm going to follow my own heart and thought process. Your idea of the American Dream is nothing but a waste of time and money. You pacify yourself with the latest gadgets and gizmos. You suck on the nipple of commerce. I love capitalism, but it's been so twisted by the propaganda machine that most people think that they aren't patriotic unless they go out and blow half a paycheck at the local Wal-Mart.

Fuck that.

This blog is here to show you some of the things that I'm doing with my life and where my sense of adventure takes me. But why are you reading this when you could be out there doing the same things I do? Stop making excuses! If you think money is an issue, stop spending your money on pointless shit just so you can look good for everyone else!

If your issue is time, make the damn time. Get off your ass. Stop blowing half your day watching some bullshit tv show that really isn't anything more than clever advertising. Stop wasting your time exploring in a virtual world and go out and explore the real one.

TV, videogames, movies, the internet.....they're all entertaining. I know. But you can't waste your short life living vicariously through these mediums. If you find yourself staring at pictures of the ocean, mountains or trees, get outside. Your body craves. It needs it.

I imbibe in all of the above. I enjoy movies, games, and the net (obviously). But not everyday. I spend more time outside than I do inside daydreaming about adventure. And you know what, real adventure is everywhere. You have NO excuse not to go have one.

Gas? Nope. Fucking walk. Money? It doesn't cost anything to go for a hike, and you can find a bicycle on craiglist for next to nothing. And don't give me any shit about not having the latest and greatest. You don't NEED it. You've only been told that you do.

Want inexpensive travel around the country (or the world)? You don't need an expensive hotel. Do you want to go to Paris, or Ireland, or England, or Thailand just to spend your trip in the hotel? Hell no. Then why waste the money. For true adventure, all you need is a place to sleep at night and maybe recharge your camera (if you have one). And hell, if you're in the right place, you can just sleep out under the sky.

You WILL die someday, and you have no idea when. You might not even make it through the day or even through this post (though I hope you make it through the post). So go live a little. Please.

Because I won't live forever, and you can't always tag along with me. One slip while I'm hiking the trail, one crumbling hand hold that I can't regain while I'm climbing, or just tripping when I get out of bed in the morning - any of this could do it for me.

Don't live in a world of media and useless knick-knacks. Go out and live in the world. It's much more exciting and it'll cost you a lot less money. You have no excuses. And neither do I.

Fuck that marathon. If I'm going to run it'll be because I need to jump over a gap in the canyons. If I'm going to run it'll be from being chased by a bear or a pissed off biker (free, but if you get caught there is the doctor's bill to think about). I'm not running for recognition from anyone, and I don't really have much of a desire to do it. So I won't.

I'd rather be hiking.

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